Climate & weather
About the weather in Szczecin, North-East Poland isn’t as cold as you may think. Yes the winter can be chilly and you are guaranteed some snow between December and February but it’s the Polish summer that make it all worth it. Expect temperatures to regularly hit above 30 degrees.
Healthcare in Poland
As a member of the E.U., Poland provides reciprocal free healthcare on provision of a valid European Health Insurance Card. More information on these cards is available from your local post office or tourism information office
Language & foreign languages
Polish is a Slavic language and pronunciation is extremely hard. Locals will however really appreciate the effort if you try to say a few words, so don’t be shy and give it a go.
Polish culture consists of a rich blend of history of traditions. There is a strong sense of Catholic-ism which even today plays a major part in many people lives. It can be said that Pols are conservative, sometimes and closed. Wild loud outlandish behaviour just isn’t seen as cool.
Currency & prices
Luckily for us, Poland is yet to make the switch over to the Euro currency and at the moment still uses it’s own Polish denomination – the Polish Złote (PLN). The average rate is around 5.50 PLN to 1 GBP and around 4.30 PLN to 1 EUR. The Polish Złote PLN is easy to obtain and exchange in most major banks, post offices and airport exchange bureaus across Europe.
We do however recommend using your bank card to pay for goods and services whilst here, you often get a better exchange rate over the counter than ATM machines and defiantly exchange bureaus.
Crime in Szczecin cities
Polish cities do in general have a lower crime rate than other similarly sized European cities. Like anywhere else, you should be mindful of pickpockets and petty theft when in well populated public places. Always be smart and weary of your possessions.
Travelling around Szczecin
Szczecin has a very cheap public transfer service when compared to simpler sized European cities. It’s controlled by the ZDITM and comprises of buses trams. A 24-hour ticket would cost around 12 PLN, just less than 3 EUR.
There also many reasonably priced taxis in Szczecin. However, we do always advise that you check the price before departing. A 20-minute ride from Szczecin city centre should cost no more than 30 PLN
Wi-Fi internet connection
Szczecin city council offers a cheap WIFI connection around the Old Town and dotted around the city you’ll find a number of decent cafes with free WIFI.
*Travel tip. If you WIFI, simply buy a local sim with data pack, and then get one of your friends to tether the group.