Things are finally changing and from 1st of July 2016 roaming calls from Poland on any EU network will cheaper.It will cost a maximum of 20p (0.025€) a minute to call. Sending a text will cost a maximum of 7p (0.08€) a minute. For using the internet, 1 megabyte of data will be capped at 38p (0.045€)
This could mean that mobile giants will no longer charge you to receive calls when you are travelling within the EU, and when making calls, you should pay no more than you do at home.
Plans to curb the ridicules mobile roaming and internet charges aboard have finally been revealed. The big guys within the EU have finally pulled their fingers out. The tabled proposals will put an end to the mobile giants charging huge prices to their clients abroad. And whilst it is a win for the consumers, the question is, why it has taken so long?

Of course, with any EU proposal especally those that take on giant corporations, there are tweaks to iron out. But if these proposals are given the go ahead, it may well mean that you pay the same price for calls abroad as you do at home.
For more information about traveling to Poland, please feel free to contact our main office.